AML Oceanographic MinosX CTD/SVP
The best of both worlds offered on a profiler proven from the tropics to the arctic.
When direct sound velocity is desired but salinity and density data is needed, count on Minos•X. The smallest combined CTD/SVP on the market is known for its rugged performance and ease of use. For those surveying beyond 1000 m, deep water Minos•X in titanium housing will withstand the harshest of environments.
From the tropics to the arctic, Minos•X has proven to be a reliable profiling partner. When direct sound velocity is desired but salinity and density data is needed, count on Minos•X. The smallest combined CTD/SVP on the market is known for its rugged performance and ease of use. For those surveying beyond 1000 m, deep water Minos•X in titanium housing will withstand the harshest of environments. Learn about the benefits offered by the unique 4-electrode design of AML’s conductvity-temperature sensor here.
Available with Data•Xchange to enable WiFi communication, automatic data transfer, and integrated GPS positioning.
SVP profilers ( sound velocity profilers )
Measure the CTD ( conductivity, temperature, and depth or pressure of water )
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