How to Install Laminates

Want to know how to install laminates? In the modern homes, the relevance of high-pressure laminates have outnumbered those of other kinds of laminates within the living space and this is owed to the fact that they can be easily fixed and maintained. A lot of things are changing within the home and corporate environment and it is because of the ease to fix them and maintain them within a long space of time and this is why so many people prefer them over other forms of laminates.

Over the years, it has been said that as opposed to the usual thoughts that people have about pressure laminates, it is also easier to use all other forms of laminates if one gets the needed assistance to fix them within the needed areas within the home or corporate settings. When one gets the desired help when it comes to fixing them, it is easier to maintain other forms of laminates.

January 23, 2025

How to Install Laminates on a Kitchen Countertop

Many of you are confused that how to laminate a kitchen countertop and that is why you are here, so do not worry as we have listed 5 best steps to laminate a kitchen countertop successfully. So just you need to do is follow these steps.

Generally, laminates within the home are not expensive and they come with awesome designs that makes their fittings worth the entire while. Also, when it comes to the kitchen countertop laminates, one needs to build out subtracts and also cut out the laminates. The eventual aim of this is to join the two with cement. When one starts with the right subtracts, it makes work a lot easier and also sets the best foundation for the countertop.

Some experts prefer the use of the particleboard when working with kitchen countertops and the reason is that they accommodate water and they can easily be expanded, but depending on the area where one needs to fix the countertop, it might be advisable to paint the downward part of the countertop with the kind of paint that prevents moisture and this is because when it comes to the home, there is no better place to experience moisture than the kitchen.

The first step with the fixing of laminates with countertops is to join the particleboard with the laminates and the reason for this is not far-fetched from the fact that they glued together when joined together. This would be done with the use of the cement and once this is done, they become glued together and this makes the next phase easier. The aim of fixing laminates to countertops is to hide the edges of the countertop and so what you need to do is to start fixing the laminates in their larger forms in other to cover the edges of the countertops and also the exposed regions. It might be difficult covering up the edges and so what you need to do is to make sure that the laminates which are now cut, should be cut into larger pieces and after that you try to combine them on the edges so that they cover up all openings, giving them a professional look.

The next stage is to use a circular saw to cut a part of the particleboard that would now fit into your countertop. You would then go ahead to add an overhang which could be one inch over the wall of your kitchen and then you go ahead to screw them to the wall tightly. It would be advisable to make use of shorter strips of particleboard so that they can accept the next extensions.

The next phase is to lay the laminates on a flat surface and cut them in pieces using the lumber at each length that you would like to cut them into. At this point you would have measured to know how big the laminates need to be, but it would be advisable to add a few extra inches too.

The next stage after this is to use a chip brush and contact cement over the back of the laminates. You would have to leave these combination for a few minutes and then you apply a bit of cement once again. After this phase you will need to attach the laminates with the cement to the lower sides of the subtracts so that it glues well, and while you fix it to the subtracts, be sure to use your hands to smoothen the sides so that all that you do is fixed perfectly to stick.

The next stage would be the phase where you would need to use your router to cut off any form of overhang that might be visible at the edges of the laminates. You might need to make use of a file in other to ensure that the edges are smooth. After this you might need to trim the front edges of the laminates.

The next step is to turn the laminate sheet facing down while you pour some cement over the back. Afterwards you would make use of the paint roller to spread adhesives over the back of the sheet. This should also be done for the subtracts alongside the cements that would be placed on it. Eventually you would leave it to dry.

The edges of the laminates should be allowed to align with the edges of the subtracts with a little bit of overhang on all sides. The next thing that you would do is to remove all scraps while you allow the entire work to look smooth. After this phase, cut off the overhang edges and use a file to make it look smooth without any scrap at all.

The next stage is the phase where you make the backsplash. In this stage you might need to cut a bit of particleboard that has the length of the counter. At this point you would not need to double up the wood but you would need to fix laminates on all sides of the wood. The next thing that you would do here is to fix the caulk to the back of the wood and then hang it to the back side of the surface of the board then you screw to make both fit in together.

In addition, you would then go ahead to dry the countertop in their pieces and then you fix the second bit of countertops over the first. Fix a bit of caulk over the top of the cabinet where the countertop would be fixed, especially where the two counter tops would meet.

The next stage is the finishing stage where you might need to fix the countertop on top of the cabinet and then you go ahead to screw the cabinet to the countertop in a way that they both look smooth. This could be done from the interior side of the cabinet. After that what you would need to do is that the bits of caulk that you find at the edges and also at the region that is close to the wall, you would use a wet hand to make them moist so that it looks like a seal to all sides. This is the phase where you can say that you have successfully fixed the laminates to the countertop.

Regular Laminates vs Textured Laminates

Laminates are generally awesome to see around the vicinity of a building, and regardless of what type of laminate, people are only attracted by what they perceive about laminates and not what kind of laminate it is that one installs. While it is true that laminates are admirable, it is also a clear cut fact that laminates vary in their texture, smoothness, and surface. This is what one needs to consider when thinking about what kind of laminates to install within the vicinity of the building. While it is true that laminates that one installs depend largely on the taste of the one that buys them, it is also true that there are some laminates that suit the home well and there are those that suit the office environment well enough. One needs to spot this difference before one ventures into buying of laminates.

Textured Laminates

Laminates generally vary when one sees them, but another way to call textured laminates is that they are decorative laminates and this means that they are adorable and suitable for the living environment. Most times when one wants to distinguish textured laminates from other forms of laminates, it is by the finishes that come with textured laminates. It is the manufacturing processes involved in the creation of laminates that determines whether they are high pressured laminates or low pressured laminates, but this attribution is associated majorly with textured laminates.

Most times when you have a particular design in your mind, it is because you have seen a type of textured laminate somewhere. Textured laminates come in varieties of classy colors and themes and they are best notable because they are easy to clean, they come in awesome designs that one would love to see around the room, sitting room, kitchen, and the likes and this is why so many people prefer to have them in the home. This does not, however, mean that they cannot be used within the premises of the office, but it depends largely on taste and what one would like to see on regular.

Another thing that one would notice about textured laminates is the fact that they are such quality laminates that come in a variety of prices and this simply connotes that irrespective of what budget you have, you would always get a textured laminate that suits your taste and budget.

Regular Laminates

Regular laminates are not like the usual texture laminates, as a matter of fact, they are called regular because they are much more thicker than the textured laminates. The regular laminates are those laminates that are less fashionable and normal, and most times those that go for this kind of laminates are those that have an intent to protect their household appliances and fittings from pollution and internal hazards.

This is the reason why major dealers in regular laminates always advise that such kind of laminates should be those that should be fixed in a vicinity where the surroundings look alike. It is just to create a kind of change that fits with the environment as well as preserve the environment of the home and office.

The truth with regular laminates is the fact that just like they are regular, they are often preferred by people who have a low budget for laminates. Also, most times with regular laminates, there is nothing classy about them. Rather what one would notice about them is that they look natural as opposed to the classy look that comes with textured laminates. When it also comes to their maintenance, they do not require any special attention and cleaning process and they are often bought because the person that got them does not have an intent to change them within a space of a long period of time.

Which is Better

One notable difference that one can easily spot with regards to textured laminates and regular laminates is the fact that textured laminates look fashionable and when a third party sees them within the vicinity of one who buys and install them is that they look classy and they have an expensive look even when they are not so expensive. They have a way of fine-tuning the environment in which they are fixed into. The regular laminates, on the other hand, are easily spotted based on their rough surface and the fact that they are glued together. The surface in this wise is what distinguishes the regular laminates from the textured or classy laminates.

While it is often said that textured laminates are decorative and adorable, one might think that they don’t come in their own variety of thickness and thinness, but as opposed to regular laminates the thickness can be easily differentiated. The regular laminates on the other hand are mostly thick laminates with rough and normal looks. Most times there is nothing exceptional about them except that they look natural and they can last a very long period of time because they are not susceptible to the hazards that exist within the human environment.

Also, while it is often said by users of textured laminates that textured laminates are used mainly for the purpose of decoration, it is often noted that the only relevance of regular laminates is only that they cannot be easily polluted. While this is a clear cut fact, this does not mean that the textured laminates cannot be properly preserved like the regular laminates.

Even more, because of the nature of textured laminates, the process of preserving is pretty cumbersome, but when it comes to regular laminates, the mode of preservation is easy and less tedious. Also, the difference that comes with both kind of laminates is the fact that the textured laminates have a classy look while the pressured one has the natural look. This is easy to note when one sees them beside each other.

The aim of the textured laminates is that when you buy them, you have saved yourself the cost of decorations around your office or home environment, but the regular laminates always come with an added cost which might not be favorable to the one who has a minimized budget for them.

How to Cut Laminates

Tips for Installing Laminates

When installing laminates within the home and office settings, the first thing to consider is whether the laminates can be said to be susceptible to water and other household factors. The area in which one wants to install the laminates also matters. When it is the usual window that one wants to fix the laminate, it is crucial to define whether the laminate is susceptible and very much adaptable to water and sunlight. This is about the most common type of factors that can affect the window laminates. The location in which one wants to fix the laminates defines what kind of laminate one needs to input, especially with the numerous hazards that can befall the laminates when one inputs them. The knowledge of the things that can affect the laminates helps one to think about the kind of laminate the one wants to input.

Moisture is a common factor that one needs to consider when installing laminates. The reason being that if one talks about fixing measures that help to prevent water from affecting the home or office, it is worthy enough to also consider such other factors like moisture which may come from the earth surface. Most times if one does not take proper measures, the things that can affect the kind of laminates that one installs is the moisture that subsists from the earth surface.

When purchasing your respective laminates, it is worthy of mention to note that there are different forms of laminates and this simply means that the kind of laminates that you might love to purchase depends on those factors that affect your home or office the most. There are laminates that are dust resistant, there are those that are water resistant, there are those that are bacteria resistant, and respectively, they always have the way they are wired to serve their purpose. When going to buy your laminates, it is important to note that it is the susceptibility of your home or office that determines what kind of laminates resistance you want your laminates to purchase and this on the long run determines what you want to buy and install in your vicinity.

Generally, laminates are affected by heat or sunlight and it is important to take this into caution when going to buy the laminates that you would like to install. You need to understand where you want to install your laminates so that you know whether heat is what affects your environment the most. As a matter of fact, it is important to note that while heat does not make pressure laminates contract or stretch, it could act in that way with decorative laminates. The understanding of this would help you to discern which needs to be bought into the home or office.

When it comes to the installation of laminates, generally they should have their first row as being straight. When the laminate is not straight it affects so much from the susceptibility to factors that are hazardous to it to the physical appearance. Laminates need to look straight to be tagged as the best laminates for your home or office. When installing laminates it is important to check on the rows of the laminates, especially the first to see to it that they are straight.

The use of soap and mop is more crucial when buying pressure laminates. Soaps and mops when cleaning laminates help them to last longer and this prevents you from buying the same laminates over and over again. Laminates get ruined easily when you use just plain water to clean them up and so you need to consider the maintenance of laminates when buying and installing them within the home or office environment. One crucial thing to note is that laminates come in their varieties and this goes the longer extent when one needs to install laminates within the home or office. There are those that can be maintained using water and there are those that should maintained using soaps and mops. The trite understanding of this helps to prevent the hazards that come with laminates usage.

How To Repair Laminate Countertops

If you are fed up with looking at worn-out laminate countertops in your kitchen, you can at least continue reading. You can fix your chipped, aging or stained laminate using very simple techniques.

Laminate countertop repairs and refinishing is inexpensive, and it transforms the old kitchen counter, giving your kitchen a new and better look. This repair can be done using common household materials in some cases. A lot of people get usually ask the question, “Why should I repair my laminate countertop?” The answer is simple because it doesn’t cost as much as a new one. A lot of people don’t know that refinishing can restore your countertop and you also have the opportunity of choosing from a full range of colors.

Laminate countertops can be either painted or completely refinished. Before the painting or refinishing is done, the surface of the countertop is thoroughly cleaned; knife cuts and chips present on the surface can then be repaired. Thereafter, a bonding agent for this purpose is then applied, and coats of high tech acrylic enamel paint are then added to the surface. After the repairing and refinishing, the countertop can last for many more years. With these repairs and refinishing, it will be hard for anyone to know if something was ever wrong with your kitchen countertop.

A color-matching repair pen or laminate repair pen can be used to perfectly cover small chips, gouges or scratches on laminate countertops. All you have to is to choose a color that matches your countertop.

Once you have gotten the color, you are then to carefully begin filling each of the blemishes and make sure not to overfill. This is done for the sole purpose of camouflaging the defect.

In cases where you are struggling with stains, you can make use of a paste made from just water and baking soda. You are to put this paste on the stained surface and allow it for a couple of hours to work. You are not to rub it in any way; all you are expected to do is to gently wipe it off with a neat paper towel.

With stubborn stains, you are to make use of either a clean white rag or a nail polish removal to persistently dab at the surface till the stain is erased. Other examples of solvents to make use of is denatured alcohol, paint thinner and acetone. But as a matter of importance, these are to be used sparingly.

How To Paint Laminates

You can make use of paint to completely transform your kitchen countertop. It is necessary to make use of paints that are ideal for kitchen countertops. If you can’t paint yourself, it is recommended that you request the services of a professional painter. But if you decide to do the painting yourself, make use of the following guidelines below:
  1. Begin by first cleaning the countertop thoroughly with soap and water so as to remove smudges and dirt.
  2. Next, you wipe the countertop with denatured alcohol. You are not expected to touch the countertop again
  3. Keep your kids and pets totally out of the work area
  4. Next, you are expected to check for caulks in seams and also around faucets and sinks
  5. You are then to repair chips and cracks about 1/8-inch wide with two-part epoxy putty. Give the putty time to thoroughly dry, then smoothly sand the putty.
  6. Before you begin painting, make a point of applying painter’s tape to the things you are not to paint, the backsplash, sink and faucets inclusive. In certain situations, you can make use of drop cloths for protection of the large surfaces and also the sink and floors. You are to ensure that all the little places have an ample amount of adhesion. It is recommended you wear protective clothing before painting and also ensures the area you are to paint is well ventilated.
  7. Use 100-grit sandpaper to de-gloss the entire countertop. This is mainly to ensure that there is maximum adhesion for the base coat. You are then to wipe any residue left with a tack rag. When this is done, you are to make still use of a flashlight to check for any missed spots.
  8. A good quality oil-based primer is then to be applied to the surface. This is to dry for at least a period of 4 hours.

A minimum of three different shades of paint is to be applied to get a granite look. The first coat used is the base coat, and it is expected to touch all the surfaces.

The subsequent layers to be added are to be done with a sponge. Random patterns can be dabbed in. Below are some tips to make use of:

  • Have a good study of real granite. If you see any samples that you truly like, take a thorough note of the different hues and colors so you can easily reproduce them

  • For the colors to slightly blend, you are to apply coats, especially when the previous layer is slightly damp.

  • You can add veins making use of a fine-tipped artist brush which is dipped in either pure black, white or any other contrasting color. A little bit of this effect goes a long way in achieving the desired effect.

  • Before finally applying the prospective coats, to add more beauty you can lightly sprinkle pinches of silver glitter or gold flakes on over the paint.

When you are finally done painting, it is advised that you make use of a dense foam roller to apply at least two acrylic polyurethane topcoats.

These countertop refinishing kits aren’t expensive and can be used as a short-term alternative for fixing worn out or outdated laminate counters. One other advantage of these kits is that they come in all manner of colors.

When it comes to learning how to install laminates and the usage of laminates around the home and office, they are beautiful to see around the home and office, but what is more crucial than anything else is their maintenance. The maintenance of laminates is as important as the buying of laminates and this is what one needs to consider as at the point of going to buy laminates to install within the home or office. Preferably, it is important to buy laminates that one can easily use and preserve with soaps and mops as these are the ones that last the most. Pressure laminates are awesome and if one considers all of these options that remain in the house for a long duration of time too.